#and cas would have actually been involved in the final showdown against him
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society if cas had triggered the empty deal on chuck instead of billie!!!!
#the fucking poetry of him being beaten by the love he couldn’t control#I imagine they’d still need to deal with him more permanently and that it wouldn’t hold him for good#but then they’d have had to save cas too and resolve the empty plot to actually finish him off yk?#and cas would have actually been involved in the final showdown against him#cas#destiel#chuck#castiel#supernatural#spn#drift.txt
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Always be Yours- 18

Word Count: 3,556
Story Summary: Follows Dean and the Reader through season 9 into season 10
Chapter Summary: When a showdown against Metatron finally comes to be a great loss happens
Warnings: Cursing, fighting, blood character death
Cas and Sam grabbed Dean so you bodily put yourself between him and Gadreel as he fought against both of them. The look in his eyes was more animalistic than man and made a slight shiver creep up your spine at seeing the man you loved like that.
He threw Cas off then spun on Sam. “Drop the blade Dean!” Sam tried. “Move” Dean snarled in warning. “Dean look at me” Sam tried again but Dean shouted “SAM! MOVE!” You saw Cas coming up behind Dean so you stepped further in front of Gadreel “Dean..baby please drop the blade” Cas grabbed him and Sam jumped to pry the blade from his hand so you gripped his arm tightly where the mark was “DROP THE DAMN BLADE DEAN!”
He was still struggling against Sam and Cas but did at least let the blade go. You nodded to Cas “Get him to the armory” you glanced back at Gadreel “Stay here” then followed the three of them down the hallway hearing Dean struggle against Sam and Cas the entire way.
You stood back closer to the door watching as Dean paced in front of Sam and Cas like a caged animal. He finally stopped in front of them and glanced over at you before saying “The hell if either of you think I’m riding the pine on this one”
“Something is wrong with you, Dean” Sam argued so you pushed off the wall to stand between the two of them “And until we figure out what, this is where you have to stay” he shook his head “And what are you three gonna do sweetheart? Take on Metatron yourself? That’s real smart” when neither of you rose to his words he pointed at Cas “You lost your angel army” then looked back at you and Sam “And the two of you are wanting to lock up the one guy who has a shot at killing the son of a bitch! Hell of a plan!” You didn’t blink an eye despite his anger. You were calm as you spoke “Dean, listen to yourself. You know this isn’t you” then turned to walk out hearing Sam and Cas follow you closely.
You stopped with tears in your eyes as Sam and Cas locked Dean in the armory. “Look, guys..Sam...Sammy...Y/N c’mon baby” you walked out into the hall ignoring his pleas and when the two of them followed you it was you who slid the last lock into place on the door.
You grabbed the first aid kit and headed for the map room while Sam and Cas were talking in the library. Instead of finding a wounded Gadreel you instead found a trail of blood leading out the bunker “Sam! Cas!” you hollered and they came running in behind you. You nodded towards the trail “Apparently he didn’t take the whole being stabbed thing too well”
You kicked the chair nearest to you from pure frustration. You were losing Dean to that mark, as bad as you hated to admit it the truth was staring you in the face. Metatron was out there gaining power by the moment and the only possible ally was now awol. “SON OF A BITCH” you threw the kit across the floor and watched as bandages went everywhere when it slammed into the wall. Sam gently touched your shoulder and you flinched away from him “C’mon. We gotta find him”
All of you took Cas’ car and it didn’t take long to track Gadreel down. His car was abandoned with the driver’s door still open. Sam pulled to a stop behind it. The three of you walked slowly up to it and you saw the pool of blood in the driver’s seat. You motioned down to the ground “He left a trail”
You followed the blood with Sam and Cas behind you. You crouched down when you got to Gadreel and he immediately put a hand up as if to shield himself from another blow “Please, I’ll leave you alone, I swear” “We’re not here to hurt you” Cas told him as he crouched next to you. Cas reached out to heal him but Gadreel pulled back and shook his head “No, your grace. Healing me would only weaken you” You felt your stomach lurch at his words.Christ he really had just been a puppet for Metatron hadn’t he?
Cas reached forward anyways and healed him. You watched the slash disappear from Gadreel’s chest but saw Cas sway slightly. You leaned across Gadreel to steady Cas. Both angels glanced at you before looking at each other “Did you hear him?” Gadreel asked and Cas nodded “Yes”
You rocked back on your heels and looked up at Sam before asking “Where’s Metatron going? What’s he doing?” Gadreel met your eyes slowly “I’m afraid..humanity” You looked at Sam then Cas before offering your hand to Gadreel “In that case you need to come with us cause we got to work together to stop him” You helped Gadreel to his feet then nodded back to Cas’ car “Let’s get back to the bunker”
You followed Sam down the stairs in front of the two angels. Your nose burnt with the smell of sulfur the moment you stepped into the library “Oh no” you saw the box Sam had locked the first blade in sitting open on the table. You ran down the hall to the armory without another word.
You saw that the door was open so you walked slowly inside and the moment you crossed the threshold you smelt burnt herbs and spotted the objects used for a summoning spell. The moment all of you had left Dean must have summoned that red eyed bastard. He didn’t care what that mark did to Dean, hell he was the reason he’d gotten it.
You were standing next to Sam while he tried Dean considering he didn’t answer your call. “Are you sure it was Crowley?” Cas asked and you nodded “We’ve summoned him before. I recognize the ingredients” “Besides who else would it be? Him and Crowley have been bromancing over the blade since he got the mark” Sam added and Gadreel questioned “The mark” you turned to face him “The mark of Cain” “So that’s what Dean cut me with, the first blade?” you nodded “One and the same”
He was quiet for a moment, clearly thinking over something before he spoke “In a way that could be useful” “What?” Sam asked before you could. Gadreel glanced between the three of you “Well, Metatron is more powerful than ever, but if Dean had the first blade and the mark that might give us our best chance” “You’re joking right?” you asked glancing around at the three men “An hour ago we were ready to throw him in a padded cell and now he’s on the front line?”
“Hear him out Y/N” Cas said and you cut your eyes at him. “Sorry that we’re a little less than eager to hear our best chance is arming the warhead and hoping it hits the mark” Sam spoke up in agreement with you. “This isn’t a bomb we’re talking about. It’s the man I love” you emphasized “And my brother” Sam added.
Gadreel argued “He would not be in this alone. We can help” “How?” you asked standing nearly shoulder to shoulder with Sam, the two of you facing the two angels. “I believe Metatron has found a way to tap into the angel tablet. Harnessing its power to give him power equivalent to..” “God,right?” Sam cut him off and he nodded “That’s what this is all about isn’t it? Metatron wants to be god” you offered with a shrug and Gadreel nodded. “Great. Well that makes him basically unstoppable” Sam scoffed.
Cas shook his head “Not if we can break the connection between Metatron and the tablet. That would make him just an ordinary angel” then glanced at Gadreel to ask “Where’s the tablet?” “In Metatron’s office” “In heaven?” Sam asked to which Gadreel offered “I can get us to the door” “And then what? They would just let you in? Metatron’s number two showing up with heaven’s most wanted is gonna make them have some questions” you argued.
“Y/N we have to try” Cas said and you met his eyes and felt yourself deflate slightly. He was right but damn you didn’t have to like it.
Cas and Gadreel left the bunker to go to heaven so after you put out a hunter bolo and got a ping on a “miracle” in Muncie, Indiana you and Sam hit the road to get there before Dean. You’d already looked for the lady involved and were waiting at her camper when baby rolled into the trailer park.
You spotted Crowley in the passenger seat and cursed under your breath. “You handle it” you told Sam stepping slightly behind him. When Dean walked up Sam said “Guess one of us doesn’t need a demon to found a clue trail. You’re looking for miracle lady right?” Crowley had gotten out the impala and you glared at him. “She’s gone by the way. We had a nice chat with her though” you added looking from Crowley back to Dean.
He tilted his head slightly “Sweetheart whatever type of intervention you and Sammy think this is trust me, it ain't. I’m not gonna explain myself to either of you”
“Yeah we got that” you bit back looking away from him because it hurt to see that uncaring look pointed towards you and Sam of all people. Sam spoke up motioning between Dean and Crowley “Thought you might want to know while you two have been playing odd couple your real friends, like Cas, like the angel you stabbed Gadreel they’re out there risking their asses right now to help you win this fight” “What the hell are you talking about?” Dean asked but Sam was mid sentence and continued “A fight I might add you made that much more complicated when you decided to stab the one angel who could actually get us to Metatron”
“You mean the angel that took you for a joy ride? The angel that slaughtered Kevin? That angel?” Dean argued and you realized the two had taken a step closer to each other so you stepped between them refusing to see the two most important people in your life physically fight if you could stop it.
Sam spoke over your head to Dean “Who you let in the front door in the first place. You and Y/N tricked me Dean. And now I’m the one who wakes up in the middle of the night seeing my hands kill Kevin not you! So please when you say you don’t want to explain anything to us don’t. I get it so does she”
“And we also get that Metatron has got to go and we know you’re our best shot” You added and Dean looked from you to Sam before saying “I’m gonna take my shot for better or worse” “We know” Sam replied and you felt your heart drop no matter how much you’d prepared yourself when Dean said “No matter the consequences” “We know” you replied and was proud when your voice remained steady despite how you felt on the inside.
“But if this is it, We’re gonna do it together. You want to know what he whispered to her right? It was his next stop” Sam told Dean and Crowley then spoke up “So what are we all gollywagging on about? Chop-chop”�� Dean turned to face him and he shrugged “Excuse me. I’m not exactly demon minion number three here. As the kids say, I’ve got mad skills” you remained in place next to Sam as Dean walked over to Crowley “Look I don’t know what you expected here ok. I don’t really care but you wanted off the hamster wheel get off.” Crowley scoffed “Guess I’ve been Winchestered” he glanced over at you and Sam “I’d wish you three good luck if I thought it would help. When he disappeared you cleared your throat “So we hunting an angel or what?” and walked past Dean to baby and climbed into the backseat without another word.
You sat silent in the backseat staring at Dean in the mirror. He’d yet to meet your eyes but you couldn’t take yours away from him. You could very well lose him by the time this fight was over. How the hell were you supposed to face losing yet another person? Let alone one that you loved as deeply as you loved him. How the hell was Sam supposed to face the possibility of losing him? Why the hell hadn’t you stopped him from going after the first blade to start with?
When you got to Metatron’s next stop Dean parked the impala and the three of you climbed out. Sam looked between the two of you then pointed down the road “I’m gonna head up and check it out. See if there’s any chatter about Marv” you nodded and chunked an angel blade to him “Watch your six Sammy” he cut his eyes towards Dean then walked away.
You couldn’t help but notice the tremor in Dean’s hand that only stilled when he touched the covered blade. “Dean” you spoke softly, letting your hand gently cover his. He closed his eyes for a moment “Y/N, please know no matter what happens I love you” you took a deep breath and squeezed his hand gently “I love you too Dean” the two of you stood like that for a few moments until the sound of footsteps made you draw apart until you both realized it was Sam “Anything?” Dean asked and Sam nodded “About a mile up the road. There’s a homeless encampment. The way folks are talking, he’s got them convinced he’s some kind of new jesus or something” you laughed humorlessly. “You good?” Sam asked Dean who nodded “Yeah I’m good”
Dean looked at Sam then back at you “Sammy can I have a minute with Y/N?” Sam nodded “Of course” and walked a bit aways turning his back also to give the two of you more privacy. He gently grabbed your arm and led you back to the front of the impala before pulling you against his chest “Kiss for good luck?” you gave him a small smile “Always” and leaned up to gently brush your lips against his.
He deepened the kiss and you barely saw the movement when he reached into his pocket and pulled out a rag but when he pulled back to put the rag over your nose and mouth the smell of chloroform was chokingly strong. You gave him a questioning look as you faded and barely heard him say “I’m sorry. I can’t risk you”
The next thing you knew Sam was shaking you awake. “Y/N wake up!” you were already pushing to your feet so he reached out to help you “What the hell happened?” you asked as the two of you took off at a run for the homeless encampment “Dean chloroformed you and knocked me out. He didn’t want us in the fight against Metatron” Sam replied and you pushed your legs harder to keep up with him as the two of you ran into the encampment.
There were people around fires and the moment the two of you stepped into view every set of eyes turned. Two people stepped in front of you in an attempt to block your path. You and Sam both didn’t hesitate to pull your guns “Step back now!” you ordered and Sam asked “Where’s Metatron?” a blonde woman pointed to the warehouse in the center of the encampment “In there” you popped Sam’s shoulder “C’mon!”
You and Sam ran through the warehouse side by side. You could feel your heart threatening to burst out of your chest from fear for Dean. Both of you skidded to a stop when you came around a corner in enough time to see Metatron sink an angel blade into Dean’s chest. “NO” you screamed, forcing your feet to carry you to his side. Metatron stood back grinning like the mug bastard he was as you and Sam ran to Dean’s side.
You hit your knees helping Sam to pull him back sitting up “Baby,Dean” you smoothed your hand down his face willing him to stay alive. You couldn’t lose him. The sound of thunder crashing rumbled through the warehouse. Sam slashed towards Metatron but only met with thin air.
Your hand ghosted over the hole in Dean’s chest and met his eyes with a tear filled smile “C’mon baby. You’ve survived worse. You can survive this. Don’t leave us please don’t leave us” Dean looked up at Sam weakly “Sammy get her out of here before he comes back” you ripped your jacket off and held it against Dean’s chest “Shut up worrying about me ok? Save your energy” Sam moved to hold pressure also his larger hands covering yours “She’s right. We’ll stop the bleeding. We’ll get you a doctor or find a spell. You’re gonna be ok”
You were fighting to stay strong, Dean didn’t need to see you break but your heart was crumbling in your chest. “You’re gonna be ok Dean” you all but whispered. He covered both of your hands with his “Listen to me..it’s better this way” “What?” you asked feeling the first hot tears slide down your face. You could see your hands shaking under his and Sam’s.
Sam moved one hand to hold Dean up by the shoulder. “The mark. It’s making me into something I don’t want to be.” “Don’t worry about the mark. We’ll figure out the mark later just hold on ok?” Sam told him and tapped your shoulder for you to move so he could get him up.
You moved to support Dean’s other shoulder even though Sam was taking most of his weight so you could hold your jacket against his wound. The man you loved was dying and you were helpless to do anything about it. You were barely making your legs work. “What happened to you being ok with this?” he asked Sam who replied “I lied”
The three of you hadn’t made it far before Dean said “Sam, hold up” Sam eased him down on one of the concrete pillars. You were both supporting him, he couldn’t hold himself up by that point but said “I need to say something” “What?” you managed to choke out past your tears. He touched Sam’s face and left a bloody mark behind “I’m proud of us” then touched yours “and I love you” “I love you too Dean” you barely got out before he fell over onto Sam and you knew he was gone.
You felt your knees go out from under you as you slid down to the floor of the warehouse “No..no..noo” Sam shook calling his name and begging him to wake up “He’s gone Sam” you sobbed forcing yourself to your feet. “He’s gone”
The ride home to the bunker you sat in the backseat with Dean’s head in your lap. You were tracing the line of his jaw with just your fingertips. “I’ll always love you” you whispered into the dark.
When you pulled to a stop at the bunker Sam eased the backdoor open so you helped him to get Dean’s body out and into his arm. You followed him from the garage to the room where you’d spent so many nights in Dean’s arms.
Sam gently laid his body onto the bed and you felt your knees weaken yet again “I can’t. I’m sorry I can’t” you ran from the room and Sam found you crying in the library.
He sat a bottle of bourbon in front of you “Take a drink” you did what he said taking a long swig then looked up at him “What are we supposed to do now?” he sat down next to you and grabbed the bottle. After he took a long drink he looked back at you “C’mon” “Where are we going Sam?” you asked weakly as he pulled you to your feet “Crowley got him into this, Crowley can get him out”
You knew it probably wouldn’t work but Sam was just as heartbroken as you were and if there was just a glimmer of hope of getting Dean back by god you’d do anything.
Tags: @facadeformyrealblog @akshi8278 @brilovesdeanwinchester
#spn fanfiction#supernatural fanfiction#dean winchester x reader#dean winchester fanfiction#dean winchester x female!reader#always be yours
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